Wednesday, 4 December 2019

5 Possible Causes Of Ear Bleeding

There are a few possible explanations for unusual bleeding from one or both ears. Some of these can be the reason for serious concern. To help figure out what exactly is happening and to get you the help you need, make an appointment with your doctor or audiologist as soon as possible.

Here are a few of the more common causes for ear-bleeding to help you understand what’s going on!

Why is my ear bleeding?

1.Ear Trauma: A Ruptured Or Torn Ear Drum

One of the more likely causes for bleeding is trauma, caused by head injuries, objects in your ear or very loud noises. It may seem silly, but many people will puncture their eardrum by placing a cotton-tip applicator, to deep into the ear canal. This doesn’t necessarily cause your eardrum to rupture, but a small injury of the eardrum can result in bleeding, especially if you are taking blood thinners.

With a ruptured eardrum, you may have other fluids draining from the ear, which can be clear or filled with pus. You may also experience hearing loss, ear pain that comes suddenly and goes away quickly, ringing in the ear or a feeling like you're spinning, also called vertigo, which can result in nausea and even vomiting.

The good news: Most eardrum tears heal on their own within a few weeks. All you’ll have to do is to be patient. Either way, you should see a doctor who can determine the root cause of the problem.

2.Ear Infection

Ear infections caused by bacteria or viruses can make the middle ear swell up, causing fluid to build up behind your eardrum. When the pressure from the buildup reaches a critical point, it may rupture the eardrum, resulting in ear bleeding. You might also experience other symptoms such as pain in your ear, a stuffy nose, hearing loss and fever.

Ear infections normally don’t last longer than a week and clear up on their own. If you want to play safe, you can rely on the help of over-the-counter pain relievers to help with pain management and relieve your fever symptoms. It is not uncommon that doctors prescribe antibiotics to fight infections.

3.An object in the Ear

We mentioned the infamous cotton swab before, but there is a number of unusual things that have been found in peoples ears, none of which belong there: Cockroaches, teeth, toys, spiders, matchsticks and other curiosities are some of the odd things doctors have to pull out off their patient’s ears on a regular base. Children are most likely to put something into their ear.

If you find that this is the source of your issue, you can try to get hold of the object and remove it with tweezers. If it doesn't want to budge, seek medical help.

4.Changes in Air or Water Pressure

It may seem like nothing, but a sudden change in air pressure can pull your eardrum in and cause feelings of stuffiness and uncomfortable pain. It can lead to serious injuries also called barotrauma. This may occur during the landing of an aeroplane or when scuba diving. Symptoms of barotrauma include ear pain, feeling like your ears are stuffed, dizziness and hearing loss. If the problem persists, your doctor may need to make a small cut in the eardrum to even out the pressure and drain fluid.

5.Head Injury

Have you been hit in the head or were involved in an accident? If you are experiencing ear-bleeding paired with the loss of consciousness, feeling dazed, confused, or disoriented, nausea and vomiting, and a difficulty to speak, you may be bleeding in the brain. This is an urgent medical emergency with an increased risk of brain damage. Do not waste time and immediately go to an emergency room or call 911!

Should I go and see a doctor?

YES! Whatever your situation, remember that for many conditions early detection can lead to better outcomes.

You’re experiencing hearing loss, now what? Here is a  step-by-step guide to looking after your hearing health!

Disclaimer: This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your doctor. To make an appointment with any of Attune’s audiologists, call 1300 736 702. You can also request an appointment online.