Monday, 9 September 2019

How Do You Clean Hearing Aids?

Ears are an important organ of our body and hearing aids can be a significant investment. They are delicate tools. Which is why when we make the decision of wearing hearing aids, it is important to know the proper way to maintain them so they do not affect your ears in an adverse way.

Here is how to clean and maintain your hearing aids so they work at its full capacity:

1. Having the right cleaning tools - First and foremost, it is essential to have the right set of tools to clean your hearing aids - a wax pick, small brush and dry cloth.

The process for cleaning in the ear (ITE)  hearing aids are different from behind the ear (BTE) hearing aids.

● Cleaning ITE hearing aids: Remove your hearing aids and using the brush provided by your audiologist, gently scrub the opening of the microphone ports of the hearing aids to clear accumulated wax. Next, face the opening of the hearing aids downward to allow any loose particles to fall out. Once this is done, use a wax pick to clear the tiny blockages that could not be cleaned using the brush. Finish by wiping all around the hearing aid ensuring that all dust and dirt has been removed.

● Cleaning BTE hearing aids: Use a small brush or bristle toothbrush to clean your hearing aids of any debris around it. BTE hearing aids consist of earmolds that can potentially stain. In this case, carefully remove the earmold from the hook and soak it in warm, soapy water. If you have a bulb blower, use it to clear water from inside the tube or leave it to dry overnight.

2. Set a cleaning routine - With any device that helps enhance your lifestyle, it is essential to be consistent in ensuring the device is in good working condition. This especially applies to hearing aids. Whether you’re using ITE or BTE hearing aids, it is important to clean them at least once a week to ensure you can keep using it at full capacity. If you delay cleaning your ITE hearing aid, the built-up wax could lead to muffled sounds and if left uncleaned for too long, can damage the receiver. As with BTE hearing aids, if you do not clean them and allow them to stain and develop an odour, it could lead to an ear infection.

3. Keep away from extreme temperatures - to make the most of your hearing aids, be sure to keep it away from environmental factors that may affect them. For example, always remove your hearing aids before a shower and avoid leaving them exposed to hot temperatures.

Attune is Australia’s largest independent hearing healthcare service provider. We are committed to ensuring you receive the best treatment to improve the quality of lives of those who put trust in us. We offer an extensive range of hearing-related services. Give us a call today to see how we can be of service to you.

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