Sounds come in different volumes and frequencies; These are the two things we can tell apart when we hear a sound. Most people know that it is possible to lose hearing from sounds in terms of volume and intensity, but most don't know that people can lose their hearing. Hearing in terms of pitch. In particular, people can experience high frequency hearing loss. This is the case when people cannot hear sounds at higher frequencies or higher pitches. This type of hearing loss is sometimes called ski slope hearing loss because an audiogram shows a ski slope formation when analyzing a person's hearing. People with high frequency hearing loss generally cannot hear sounds above 2000 hertz, most sensitively in the 2000-5000 Hz frequency range. In this range, a person may not hear phone ringing, birds chirping, or a running drill. People with high frequency hearing loss may also have difficulty hearing a woman or child speak, and they may not be able to hear some consonants (usually F, H, S). What is a healthy sound frequency range? Read on to find out.
Human Frequency Range:
Humans typically have a frequency range of 20-20,000 Hz. Although at the 20,000 Hz end, they’ll be likely to experience discomfort. However, this is the standard for a healthy young person. We get older, our hearing gets worse. Higher frequencies are lost with age. In general, the highest frequency a middle-aged person can hear is around 1214 kilohertz (or 12,00014,000 Hz). If you are a man, your hearing is likely to deteriorate faster. Although we have a fairly limited range as humans, there are many animals that have exceptional frequency ranges.Dogs can hear between 6745,000 Hz and cats are even more impressive, hearing frequencies up to 5579 kHz. At the other end of the spectrum, whales and elephants are known to use sounds below 20 Hz that humans cannot hear (also known as infrasound) to communicate over long distances. Its sounds can travel hundreds of miles. Would you like to protect and preserve your frequency range? Fortunately, there are steps you can take to ensure your best hearing over the years.
How to preserve your hearing:
Hearing Some hearing damage is inevitable. As we age, the tiny hair cells in our ears begin to break down. When they break down, our inner ear becomes less sensitive to sound vibrations. As a result, the sounds are no longer heard as well as they were before. to.However, a lot of hearing loss can also be prevented. Exposure to loud noises, especially over a long period of time, is harmful to our hearing. To preserve your hearing, avoid hearing loud noises whenever possible, especially over long periods of time. What volume is too high? As a general rule of thumb, if you have to shout over the sound, it's too loud. When loud noises are inevitable, consider investing in good quality earplugs or earmuffs.
It is easy to recognize with a hearing test and can be supported by the use of hearing aids. However, it is important to protect your hearing as it cannot be restored if it goes away.
Attune is a leading independent provider of hearing health services. Attune, a fantastic alliance of medical professionals, understands hearing loss and how to deliver quality care and services to patients.
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